Recently one of our previous clients asked told us about a
non-profit charity auction she is holding to benefit for two women; one dealing
with breast cancer and the other hodgkin’s lymphoma. She asked Kevin if he
would donate some of what she calls his ‘rustic’ hand made furniture for the
cause. He happily complied.
She then asked if he could supply benches and tables for the
food court seating of the Deep Roots Festival, Milledgeville, Georgia where her auction will take
With less than a month to go, Kevin plunged into his "StickStoneSteel" mode. Between the Saw Mill fall off and
the collection of items collected and obtained over time his palate was already
He’d already been playing with forge bending steel for
benches for our own deck so Naturally while his mind clicked away at designs
for benches made out of fall off wood he came into the house and asked me for
whatever poster paint Arthur had left over in the craft cupboard.
Within in minutes, under the carport he had a concrete garden walk paver
balancing on a couple bags of concrete and was joyfully painting away like a
happy kid.
With limited colors, he went freewheeling; digging at the
bottom of the bottles where the thick colored gook had accumulated. He managed
to scrape more than enough yellow for the center. I watched him artfully dash out orange and
red rays from that yellow core. I am
pretty sure he was fighting the urge to unleash a wild splattering of paint at
it but refrained.
Hours later, after the paint had dried he brought the stand
to the house. Chain welded together for
the tripod legs with a used saw blade to secure the balance. What you can’t see
from this picture is an old grinding wheel holding the concert paper in place
with a heavy nut and bolt.
Arthur has made a request that Kevin build one like this for
his room. I want one too! Guess we’ll have to get more poster paint. :)
I forgot to mention that the young lady hosting the charity auction is Jessica Danials, owner operator of “ A Flair for Hair” Salon in Milledgeville, Georgia.